I would work towards getting the self-confidence which is less expensive and more satisfying in the long run, at least for me.
Some probably chose not to fully express their point of view. They seem to know what they want but not why they wanted it and whether it would actually satisfy their needs ever. That to me felt like living life in the reverse. Again its individuals view. If everyone was here to lead their lives individually what purpose does it serve to say it's a co-existence? Where do relations fit in here..
Reproducing the conversation transcript to let you know the thoughts of what people think:
X: leave it yaar... let me first become something in life......
me: and what is that something, X? Is it a definite goal or a horizon without an end?
7:30 PM X: fame, money etc.....me: and what is that something, X? Is it a definite goal or a horizon without an end?
me: To what end, X?
7:31 PM Is fame as important as life?
X: well...tell u once I get these two...
me: Some of the people who do the greatest acts in their lifetimes don't get fame..
7:32 PM Rudolf Diesel, after whom the fuel is named, the inventor of the diesel engine was not even recognized for his invention till after his death.. he died in poverty..
and fame is something that Rakhi Savant can get if she parades semi-naked on a show..
7:33 PM Is fame more important than achieving something worthy of fame?
X: lol....
me: No seriously..
which aspect of fame are you after?
The aspect of doing something great or getting noticed for it?
7:34 PM X: tough to answer....
me: It shouldn't be...
7:35 PM ask yourself..
if you would do things going out of your way for the benefit of people, even if you don't get the recognition..
or whether you just want to be a page 3 celebrity..
X: well m not rakhi sawant nor diesel..
7:36 PM me: I always thought you were a confident and ambitious person, X..
Confident people don't need to hanker for fame..
After all, what is the meaning if somebody recognizes your work or not?
7:37 PM Will it change the effectiveness of what you do?
Steve Waugh comes down several times to India to help underprivileged children and NGOs and he does it whether the cameras are clicking or not..
7:38 PM X: well... I don't know abt others..what they did n what they not.. I just want to get noticed ..thts it....
7:39 PM me: What drives that desire, X?
7:40 PM X: donno
me: You are a strong person, X..
you don't need somebody to endorse that you are so..me: You are a strong person, X..
So I don't understand this need to get noticed..
7:41 PM X: no...m not... i think all useless things......
7:42 PM me: and where is the happiness here? If ten thousand people say you are a great person you fell happy? Vindicated? What if the next day twenty thousand people call you a b***h? something worse? Is that when you start thinking that you are worthless?
X: LOL...dont make me think too much pal....7:43 PM me: Not at all, X..
You should be the index of yourself...
and not allow somebody else to make a judgment about you..
You should know your worth.. and not let somebody else push it up or pull it down at will..
7:44 PM
Nobody is perfect, X..
nobody is fearless
7:45 PM Nobody is free of temptations..
X: I know yaar....
me: nobody is full of virtue..
but every single person has to have faith in oneself.. X: :)
7:46 PM me: You are a great person, X.. and you should not feel the need to get it endorsed by a group to realize it..
Fame is what insecure people aspire for..
They think it's a cloth that can cover all the bad patches..
hide it from public view.. X: he he
7:49 PM so u tell me...what should be done....
me: Aspire to do great things, that is a worthy ambition X..
What is fame? Money?
They are no goals..
7:50 PM Money is still a good goal..
For you need money for everything in life..
But fame? That is a silly pursuit..
not unless you believe the fame can propel you even further.. you and your cause that is..
7:51 PM X: hmm.... well m nothing now....so want to become something first.....
me: that's not at all true..
If you have nothing now, you can never be anything, X..
I'm being very blunt, sorry for that..
But you need to realize that there is latent potential in you..
That's not nothing..
7:52 PM If you don't have talent, potential, you will go nowhere..
X: hmm
me: Everyone of us has something..
7:53 PM But many think they don't have anything. ... and that's when they go down in life..
I might not be earning a fat pay-packet today, but I know I have potential..
I believe that I can manufacture my own opportunities to come up even further.. that's not nothing..
7:54 PM My bank balance may be nothing, but I'm NOT nothing..
X: :) thts very much true what u said abt u...
me: And it's true about you too, X..
7:55 PM There is only one type of respect that really matters in this world, X..
That is self-respect.
X: :)
me: I don't need somebody to tell me that I am worthy of their respect before I respect myself..
You need self-respect.