Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Rising.. for..

We might face many difficulties, hardships and disappointments in our lives. Things do not always go our way. If we listen to the discussions of others and review our own words and thoughts, we find that many of them are complaints about how life is treating us. There is a bitter feeling.
Most of us have love for a small circle of people which includes our family and close friends. However, as we grow, our heart must expand to embrace society, country, world and beyond. The ultimate state of love is having love for the cosmos.
With my experience with UncleSam, for people here -
Water is thicker than blood; while for most of us in my homeland it is always blood which is thicker than water.
Water accounts to the social circle called friends and love for the nation and more subjective to being selfless. The blood accounts as me, my family and world around it.
I would like to quote an incident I read somewhere - During the Great Depression in America, a government representative travelled through some of the poorer parts of the country to provide financial assistance to farmers to buy seeds, fix their homes and run their farms. The agent came across an elderly woman living in a shack without flooring. She had covered the broken windows with tarpaper. She barely managed to survive. The agent asked: “If the government gave you 200$, what would you do with it?” The woman replied without hesitation: “I would give it to someone who is homeless.
A different perspective would reveal to us how fortunate we are. I always wonder why people back home are centered on building villas and shutting down opportunity for helping others in need. What makes people take such rigid decisions to run a rat race of pride? Is luxury all in life? A nation which stood for values and ethics today has a very little to offer.
If we could accept the cloudy days with the same gratitude as we do the sunny days, we would find our lives to be filled with more love, peace and happiness. If we could appreciate the weeds as well as the roses, we would get enriched. Not only do we need to learn to be content, we need to expand our heart to embrace all creation.
No matter what happens to us in life, we have a fountain of nectar within us from which we can drink at any time. This is the gift we can achieve through our determination. These thoughts are something which keep me engaged of what I can do and how I could be of some help. Though it’s just a drop in the huge world around, I wouldn’t stop myself from expressing that I am awakened and would live for a meaningful life rather than just a self-centered life. With a ray of hope…

Sunday, September 6, 2009

How I wish..

As Mother Theresa said The most terrible poverty is loneliness, and the feeling of being unloved.
I walk through oceans of shimmering blue and green, white foam rising and falling above my head. Creatures of thousands of colors dart past my eyes and disappear as quickly as they appeared. I continue walking.
Suddenly, the jeweled waters melt into rolling waves of people. Claustrophobic fear rises up inside me and pushes at my frantically beating heart. Looking around, I see no one I recognize, as this sea of faceless figures marches on. Oblivious to each other and the world around them, they only know their destination and their haste to get there. They stop. What am I thinking over...
Loneliness affects everyone at one time or another. Loneliness changes the way a person thinks and behaves. Seclusion can have various effects on a person. The person may become bitter and suffer from denial of the friendships that he needs.
Loneliness also can derive from several places within an individual. He will isolate himself away from others because he thinks they will hurt him, which may be true, but not in all cases.
Simple relationships and unconditional care could have prevented each one of us from going through awry situations. Loneliness has affected each person differently, but the source of why they changed is the same.
But somewhere my gut says you are lonely when you don't know yourself. We must realise loneliness is to express the pain of being alone. But there is solitude as well to express the glory of being alone.
That shouldn’t inspire a person to live alone as he will not succeed as a human being. His heart withers if it does not answer another heart. His mind shrinks away if he hears only the echoes of his own thoughts.
I want to be with people around, I want to socialize and edge those moments spent into my life’s notebook. I've got everything I need except a woman. And I'm not one of those men who think a woman is the answer to everything, but I'm tired of being alone. Where are you, honey.. cross my roads???

Help me to get out of it my friends if I’m wrong…