The most sorrowful week of mine just passed...
Last week was just meant to lose for me..
* People (SPM/PM/PA) who were running around full of garbage ( full of frustration, full of anger & full of disappointment) piled up & needed a place to dump it.. I was the one these people chose to dump on.
What should I do, shouldn't I take it personally. Is that I need to just smile , wave wish them well & move on.
* Second thing, I lost my spectacles in the meeting room on thursday..
should I again blame my carelessness for not remembering it before I left the room.
* Third blunder of week- one of my team-mate wanted a Nokia series charger on thursday & she borrowed mine as I carry it along everyday. On friday when I ask her to return it back, I was taken back by her response... Sorry, I left it at my desk over-nite & now I am not able to find it anywhere.. Gaaaaawsh!! is it my mistake to lend things in courtesy. My phone is off since 2 days now as I was in no mood to buy a new charger, neither I had patience to get one.
How do I move on? I decided not to entertain any services anymore.. Am I wrong?
* The fourth one - I was returning back from guitar classes in the eveningby bus, as my cousin wanted my bike for some urgent work. So I commuted using the BMTC bus to my classes, I remember taking the ticket from the conductor of the bus & placing my wallet back into the bag. Thats it, I later realised the wallet had been stolen. Now my PAN Card, 2 wheeler + 4 wheeler License, My Credit + Debit cards, & lots of shopping cards from Shoppers Stop, West-side, Pantaloons have been lost. With that I lost the minting points as well I guess.. I blocked my debit & credit cards, but I have to approach the police for my lost PAN & DL Cards, I dont know but I am horrified by the name POLICE...
Why did the thief choose only me to get his earnings for the day.. why me?
* Top of all these, the important thing I lost was my PEACE OF MIND following all these incidents
PS: Off-late I find it difficult to recollect things.. is it short-term memory loss
PPS: Haven't told papa that I have lost my wallet or else will have a nice round of scoldings & he will never trust me.. will have to bear those repeating words of caution everytime I step out of my house... which would be boring.. so havent told him :(
PPPS: What do I do? Believe that everything happens for a reasons aaargh!! too much
PPPPS: Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets.. but I have a reason to enchant for which I looking forward this week :) (secret)